What's Inside!
Highlights from this issue include: - seven free ways to use Ancestry.com (without a subscription!)
- guides to Prussian genealogy and US Social Security records
- a roundup of tools for using the US federal census
- research detective tips inspired by Nancy Drew
- a FREE Organizing Genealogy cheat sheet
Free and EasyBy Nancy HendricksonThough a subscription website, Ancestry.com offers several great features even for free users. Here are seven of our favorites.
Helping HandBy Andrew Koch
Share your genealogy skills using these tips for researching
someone else's family tree.
Prussian BluesBy James M. BeidlerDon't let the lack of "Prussia" on modern maps get you down. These tips will help you find your ancestors who lived in the former kingdom.
Security MeasuresBy Sunny Jane MortonCash in on the genealogical benefits of your relatives' Social Security documents.
The Case of the Missing AncestorsBy Ellen Shindelman KowittNancy Drew has inspired generations of mystery-solvers. These eight sleuthing skills from her adventures will help you find your ancestors.
- Research Guides: Kentucky and Puerto Rico
- Tech News
- Lisa's Picks
- Timeline: Salad
- Family History Home: Saving Paper Artwork
- Stories to Tell
- Your Turn: Personal Records Inventory Form
- Photo Detective
- Now What
- Website Tutorial: WikiTree
- Resource Roundup: Census Aids
- DNA Q&A: Convincing a Relative to Test
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